The Activism Trap: A Critical Analysis of the Social Media Federalization Interpellation

The Activism Trap: A Critical Analysis of Social Media Federalization Interpellation

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Is the fediverse actually ready for government adoption? And how to promote it as a politician?


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It turns out that "critical" here means argumentative, entirely one-sided, and full of spurious objections.

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I started reading, and it seems to criticize some Polish proposal, rather than anything substantial?

Like, paraphrasing, "the proposal says it worked well in context A, but that doesn't mean it'll work well in context B". I mean, sure, whatever. But not very juicy.

Maybe there's good points in there, but if they had valid criticism they should have spilled the beans right away. If not I'll keep thinking ensuring digital sovreignity and embracing open web standards are good things.