CareerCupid (OkCupid for jobs) integration with ActivityPub: follow @[email protected], answer polls, find like-minded people who would be great co-workers.
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I've been running for some years already, and now I've got the first step into integrating with ActivityPub. The site now has a AP service which posts questions to the overall Fediverse and people can follow from their preferred AP platform.
There is a lot more to be done. The questions are written by me and therefore completely focused on tech workers (something that I would like to change and help people in all sorts of industries). The website itself is pretty bare-bones. But the idea that one can actually use AP as a "proper" application protocol instead of just emulating existing centralized social networks really appeals to me.
This might be a "job site", but the idea is that it can be useful and helpful even for those who are happy at their jobs. E.g, if your company is hiring and you want to help bring people that are like-minded, it would make perfect sense to join in and browse around.
It can be what LinkedIn should've been: a tool for networking, without the tools of self-promotion and clout-chasing.
Unfortunately, Lemmy does not follow AP users and it still does not know how to handle polls, so you will need an account on some of the micro-blogging platforms.
I thought it said QueerCupid and got a bit excited, but reading it properly also got me excited so. 🎉 Cool project!
I would be willing to help. I created a mastodon clone on github called fediwork. Feel free to check it out. My personal goal is to make it possible to find work without linkedin but have a more work focused setting.
Cool! Do you have any instances of your fork running? I am planning to open source the (django) library I am building to integrate the "main" webapp, but at the moment things are still too unstable to document and publish it properly.
Sadly no. I am in the unfortunate situation that I have way too many projects atm. But if you feel like it, we can chat about it on matrix and compare ideas, push for more cooperators on some socials etc. Two people is 100% more support than my project saw so far. :)
This is a mistake. When building any kind of team, you want diversity of experience, backgrounds, viewpoints etc. A mono-culture is extremely prone to group-think and is unlikely to generate ideas as quickly or elegantly as a team comprising many different types of people.
The second reason why I have always advised my teams not to consider "culture-fit" when interviewing prospective employees is that it is a covert way of discriminating against people who have otherwise protected attributes (race, religion, gender, sexuality etc).
You should hire people based on their ability to perform the job, and nothing else.
There's a difference between "culture fit" and "hive mindedness". I've seen singular employees turn a good workplace into one with strife because that one employee has vastly different goals about how to run things, and it doesn't go away until that employee is fired.
Also, it's not about discriminating against future hires. It's about not hiring shitty employees who would discriminate against their own co-workers.
Perhaps "like-minded" is the wrong term, here. The idea is to find people who are just looking for a way to say "do I see myself working with the people on this team?". If you go through the questionnaire, you will see people also should answer "what answers are also acceptable" and "how important their answer is to you".
The questions are not about checking people's backgrounds or rooted in any type of personal topics that could lead to discrimination. They are asking things like "what do you think of scrum/agile" or "do you think that it's okay for companies to use data on the web for AI, if this means more free services for people?".
That's a given. But unless we have perfect equilibrium between supply and demand for labor, there is always one side that will have a number of options (candidates in the down-market, opportunities in a growing cycle) and they will always be asking themselves "of all these acceptable options, which would fit best?". No one will just say "good, we have 20 qualified candidates coming up, so let's throw a dart and hire whoever it lands on".
Huh, and here I thought culture fit just meant your ability to hold a basic conversation about a random topic without completely locking up (which has gotten me several jobs)