Pixelfed user count has gone vertical.

submitted by korendian@lemmy.world


Pixelfed user count has gone vertical.

Editing to let people know that I will be blocking anyone who feels the need to tell me why this graph is inaccurate. I truly don't care, but feel free to chime in with your useless take and land a spot on my block list! ๐Ÿ™‚


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Seems the trend continued in the days after you posted this graph.\

I'd like to point out that a similar thing happened to Lemmy back when the Reddit exodus happened. We have to keep in mind that growth might happen suddenly. But it doesn't necessarily continue indefinitely. And a large chunk of users are likely not to stay. But with this said, it's a good thing. We need independent platforms. Now more than ever.

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Monthly active users increased by 43% between 13 and 14 January: https://pixelfed.fediverse.observer/dailystats

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I don't think anyone here is arguing that the entire world will be using pixelfed by the end of the year, and that its usage will expand to other galaxies by the end of the decade.

It's a comment about the current growth curve, and it is both accurate and interesting.

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The fact that you believe these platforms were the same before and after these events makes it sound like you were not, in fact, there to see it happen. In my experience, it permanently changed both platforms, transforming them from weird niche sites to genuine alternatives.

That said, what you find interesting or not is not any of my business.

I don't think that either Mastodon or Lemmy slid back anywhere near as far as back to baseline? Sure, usage went down, perhaps even significantly compared to the peaks, but I think that both retained a lot more users than they had before their respective spikes. I'm an example of someone who came into Mastodon with the Twitter exodus and into Lemmy with the Reddit exodus, and I've stayed for both.

Cool. You... don't have to engage in discussions that bore you. Why waste your time?

the head dev Dan Sup mentioned the number of active users jumping from 6k to 30k. we'll see how it holds, but there is strength in numbers, people only stay if other people see what they post there. i have good hopes and really want to ditch instagram

The y axis starting zero does not change the fact that it's exponentially growing right now. Filter that link posted below for 120 days and it is still a nearly straight vertical line of growth.

It's not exponentially growing. At best, the growth rate has exponentially increased. These are VERY different things.

It was exponentially growing, the platform would come screeching to a halt and crash.

Jesus fucking Christ, you people are miserably pedantic. Nothing about my original post is wrong, so please kindly shut the fuck up with your "well achtually" takes.

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Ah, the classic response to being proven wrong on the Internet. Have a hissy fit like a 5-year-old and call everyone pedantic etc. You were objectively wrong but there's no problem with that, everyone is wrong about stuff all the time, the difference is how you handle that. You either act like a mentally grown person and just go "oh, damn, I didn't know that, thanks for correcting me" or act like you've done. No one is out to say that pixelfed isn't growing, but you're misrepresenting facts and then being a fucking child about being told so.

Actually, pedantry is correcting people for things that didn't actually need correcting because everyone understood the meaning from the context, so there isn't any reason for him to thank you because you didn't actually do anything of value.

I'm not calling everyone pedantic. I'm calling you and the other guy who chimed in with pedantic takes pedantic. You can claim you're right all you want, but nothing about the title of the post "Pixelfed user count has gone vertical" is inaccurate. Whether it's the user count or the user growth rate that is exponential is irrelevant. Nothing about my post is misrepresenting the fact that on the graph, the number of users is going nearly straight up, exactly as the title describes. Feel free to keep trying to correct me, but I know I'm right because I have eyes and can identify basic shapes. I am very willing to admit when I am wrong, but this is not one of those cases.

I'm not sure if people are pedantic or sarcastic at this point

They seem to be serious. The more concerning thing is that people are agreeing with them. I guess common sense is not so common.

You're the one that made a false claim with a biased graph...it's okay to be wrong. I'm wrong all the time. No need to be so hostile about it. You could even edit your OP and add in the graph I threw together that normalizes the data. It's still a significant bump in users, which is cool.

The primary reason I am getting hostile is because there is a chorus of dumbasses who think they're being clever by pointing out that graphs look different when you view them on different time scales. No shit Sherlock. It doesn't negate the fact that this is probably the most significant increase in users the app has ever seen, which is really all my post is saying. On the graph, the line is vertical. Even zooming out 4 months, it's still vertical. Maybe zooming out further will make it less vertical, but that is beside the point. It's still growing fast. Even on your graph you can see the shift. Getting called a liar and having people try to minimize a significant trend is not something I will just let slide off my back. Keep arguing all you want, you're wasting your time.

You seem sensitive and very angry about it.

Sorry for getting annoyed when people needlessly correct others to make themselves seem smart.

Wait what? The whole point of exponential growth is that all itโ€™s derivatives/integrals are also exponential.

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The only thing worse than misrepresentation of statistics is completely misguided criticism of statistical representation.\

While we're at it, the X axis doesn't start at zero either.

It's the perfect combo of karma farming and "well, achtually" to make your blood boil. Good thing karma isn't a thing on here from what I can tell.

There's no karma on Lemmy

Did higher karma increase the boots of your upvote on reddit?

Normalized graph for you:

Not a vertical line, at all. For sure cool, but very exaggerated with a dishonest graph.

Wake me up in 2 months when 80% of new users churned.

I've never been on IG but I'm strongly considering a pFed account. Am I churn or am I miniscule net-new?

And yeah, it's a hope that the rumoured meta toxicity is somehow magically not on pFed. I wanna see my nephew's designs and art but not the influencerati junk I fear is on the captive platform.

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To be fair, the Y-Axis doesn't start from zero.

That being said, 10% account growth in 2 days is pretty solid. Let's hope both account creation and engagement metrics (MAUs/DAUs) keep growing.

EDIT: Correct Axis type.

Pedantic: You mean Y-axis, right? Technically, neither start at zero but I think you meant Y based on context.

No, all time based graphs should start at the big bang.

I actually wish this were true. Sure, they would show the snippet for the time we care about, but they MUST provide the source graph that contains all data back to the Big Bang. Specifically the Plank Era, we donโ€™t want a graph where time doesnโ€™t exist, that would make the graph useless.

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I know this might not have been the intent of the post, but this is super fucking helpful. I've been using blender and Unity and didn't understand why I was getting confused around grid cords, it's cuz I didn't realize the orientation changed (I just move the arrows around mostly, just a noob). By any chance is there anyway to change the orientation? Hopefully?

Even if you can (e.g. change your projection matrix in a custom shader) you don't want to mess with it because a lot of things assume the standard is used. The proper, unconfusing, way to deal with it is to import/export to a format that itself has a defined coordinate system, like gltf.

Yes, of course the Y axis.

I work with charts/vizualizations/data a lot, but for whatever reason I reflexively mistake X/Y a lot. It's not even funny.

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I make the same mistake all the time for some reason, though I know which is which. I have a theory the reason is that the X axis is often used to plot years (Y), which messes with my brain ever so slightly.\

That said, I don't think the Y axis should necessarily start in zero in a graph that seeks to show the pattern of growth rather than the number of users in absolute terms. If anything, a longer X axis would have been more useful, in order to show how unusual such a growth pattern is.

Y has a vertical part, just like its axis. X is the other one.

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This is like a weird personal thing that I can't even explain. For whatever reason, the Y axis becomes labelled as X in my mind in random situations. And I use charts (and other data visualizations a lot).

The funny thing is when I am thinking of X, I don't have this urge to call it Y. If I am looking at horizontal, X is the first thing that comes to mind. But not with Y.

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Isn't that a 1โ€ฐ growth or am I mathing wrong?

Edit: I'm wrong and that's why I shouldn't comment first thing in the morning. The math is mathing, I'm just not braining.

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You are mathing wrong. The GP is correct, except for the fact that it applies to the Y axis.

(... it's a much smaller change on the X axis anyway, something with 10 zeros before the first non-zero digit...)

One percent of 300,000 would be 3,000.

Starting the y-axis zero wouldn't change the shape of the curve at all, but it would make the increase seem less dramatic.

It was an error on my part.

It's a ~10% increase, but the scale makes it look like the count shot up by 10x at first glance. I know that's why you always need to look at the axis labels, but graphs like this are purposely presented this way *because* they're easy to misinterpret for the average person.

For other nerds that absolutely *hate* dishonest and biased graphs, I present the normalized data. Wow. What a vertical line. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

Exactly my first thought seeing this graph.

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its the federation effect in action. I expect pixel fed to get a slow trickle of new users as legacy social media cages and milks its current users for ads.

Despite the misleading graph from OP, the slow uptick seems to be common with federated social media because there's little incentive to make viral posts to sell ads.

Just a FYI, Dan who made Pixelfed also does Loops and a few other Fedi projects in case people want more cool stuff to play with.

What is the general outlook on others helping him build them out? I would hate to see tons of the energy dissipate because it was one guy trying his damnedest to out compete tech companies on two fronts.

I'm not that sure on what kind of crew he may or may not have.

I signed up, though I generally donโ€™t like following individuals and much prefer groups or communities like Lemmy. Gotta support independent social media.

I found following hastags I'm interested in to work better for me.

This also works really well for Mastodon. Gets your feed going super easily.

this is probably the intended method to use mastodon, if you're trying to follow individual accounts you're just gonna suffer.

I also found actually taking time to find an instance that you vibe with (in my case, jorts.horse) really helps to keep stuff interesting in your Local timeline. As a bonus, it also furthers decentralization :)

Yeah I was on Fosstodon first. Moved to Sakurajima (Sharkey) and now I'm on Sakurajima (Mastodon) .

You're right, the instance makes a big difference. Very important to find one you enjoy.

Why does the instance make a big difference? I thought the point in federation is that the instance does NOT matter because everything shows up across instances? Genuinely curious and would appreciate if someone could explain.

I wish they would put the official app on F-Droid. I use PixelDroid, but it'd still be nice to try.

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the official app is much slower and less polished than PixelDroid and Pixelix.

they do have their own F-droid repo, though https://fdroid.pixelfed.net/fdroid/repo

Apparently the official app has a few dependencies that themselves depend on Google Play services, hence being blocked for F-droid inclusion.

Pixelix just showed up on F-Droid two days ago, the dev open-sourced their code just recently. I find it to be a "better" (subjective :) ) client than PixelDroid after testing it for a bit. $0.02 to any readers. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.daniebeler.pfpixelix/

It has dark mode, btw.

I used Obtainium to get it

Impressive indeed - https://pixelfed.fediverse.observer/dailystats - https://fedidb.org/software/pixelfed

Both sites have different monthly active users numbers, but between 42k and 52k is quite impressive

Thatโ€™s a lot of mastodon users. And misskey is more popular than I thought.

This is what a good app does to a MF.

Happy to see!

I wondering what caused such jump.

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Because news broke that Meta lobbied for the TikTok ban. So people are now boycotting Meta platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Since Pixelfed is an Instagram clone *and* recently launched the app, it has gained a ton of popularity. The timing of the app launch honestly couldnโ€™t have been better, because it gave all of the fleeing Instagram users a nice convenient place to land.

They released an official all on the app stores

lol i search pixelfed and first result is Rednote, thanks Google play!

I think it's been out for a while.

Anyways, when I try to log into the main recommended server (where I already have an account), before I even get to the login page, it gives me this error

Which is a pretty funny thing for the official app to say about the official main instance ๐Ÿคฃ

Instead I just installed the PWA from the browser. It works ok.

I just signed up after seeing an article saying links to the website are being blocked by Instagram (IIRC). I figured it must be worth looking into if they've gone that far

You have zoomed in. I want to see the y axel from 0. It have increased with 10% of the users.

wow, it's really cool. I have also made an account on gram.social (pixelfed server). so far I am liking it :)

What are you supposed to put in the "server url" field in Pixelix? I put the instance I have an account on, because I don't have any other information that would make sense to put there, but nothing happens when I tap the arrow.

Also, what the fuck, fediverse. It's exactly this kind of bullshit that's why nobody joins you. Fix it for Christ's sake. Something this unintuitive doesn't even belong in a beta build. If I was a paid instagram plant making this app to frustrate people into going back to instagram, this is the splash screen I'd use. Stop making it impossible to recommend you in good faith to people I like.

I don't know about that app specifically, but I know some fediverse apps do not have all instances in their directory. For example, fedilab doesn't have friendica.world. I would suggest hunting around for an app that supports your instance, but I agree, it is a dumb problem. What is the point of being able to join whatever instance you want if it is not listed on the app?

I'm not sure the graph is accurate.

Gotta have an official app, thatโ€™s the only reason I made an account and posted anything.

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Pretty sure the official app has been in testing for a while. And I feel like I heard recently it's releasing a stable build.

In case I'm wrong though, there's always PixelDroid and the recently released Pixelix.

Also, like most fediverse apps, the first-party, official apps are always very basic and more of a proof-of-concept kind of thing. In most cases you'd be better served with third-party apps.

The official app had been available for everyone in beta for months, and it came out of beta just a few days ago.

Maybe try looking stuff up before stating dumb shit.

Beta doesnโ€™t mean publicly ready. I knew about it and didnโ€™t use it on purpose. Obviously the data shows I wasnโ€™t the only one.

Maybe try critically thinking before stating dumb shit.

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I tried self hosting Pixelfed but gave up because it wouldn't work. I'm used to Docker containers that are able to just start up by themselves, but the guide didn't work for me. Maybe it's time to try again.

Make sure you use a MariaDB or MySQL database. Despite what the (very incomplete) docu says, Postgres support is broken.

Really? I assumed postgres was the default for basically all open source projects

And those are just the instances that show up. Nice!

Oh no, Metas profits!! How will they live in a slightly better world now?

By blocking all mention of Pixelfed on their platforms.

Wow, how pathetic.

I can't say with a straight face that I didn't see this coming.

Oh, that self-perpetuating evil machine seems to check out, yeah.

@Evil_Shrubbery @korendian I hope they perish, a truely evil corp. They ones ecperimented with making folks depressed because depressed people are more sensitive to impulse buying.

what the fuck is a pixelfed

It's an Instagram replacement.

huh, an interesting idea but i'd be surprised if it gained much traction.

Tends to be a large inertia for these sorts of things, but it might be an interesting small community i suppose.

Pixelfed is federated, an account can be made with Mastodon to log into different servers. But it seems different from lemmy in that joining one instance doesn't seem to provide you with a method to view other instances and pick and choose as part of your feed. I think some people find that confusing. Any comments on that?

Lemmy is unique on the fediverse, in that it has communities that you can subscribe to. The closest equivalent is community groups on Friendica. Pixelfed is more similar to Mastodon in that you can follow individual accounts, or hashtags/search terms, which is how you subscribe to different content in your feed. For example, I follow #catsofmastodon and see all posts tagged with that in my feed. Hashtagging your posts is very important if you want it to be seen. Lemmy is more oriented towards discussions, which is why communities make more sense in this context than on Pixelfed or Mastodon.

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Yes, it's the most confusing part, if you want to discover Pixelfed accounts from other servers, you have to go to another server's home page, then click on "Explore" which will show you popular posts by that server's users. I have done this and now I follow a bunch of accounts from other servers, but the process is very convoluted and the average user would not bother I guess.

The web version of Pixelfed does have a "Global Feed" page but that's 99% Mastodon posts because the "Global Feed" is actually global relative to the whole Fediverse.

Yes, I think for new users that is very confusing. I find that somewhat confusing and I think I have an idea what's going on.

Yeah, fediverse platforms aren't going to seriously compete against the big corporate ones until the user experience is as simple.

Exactly. I agree. It needs to be simplified. As easy as creating an account.

Hey man, I don't care about your graph but can you just block me anyway? Cheers! ๐Ÿ™‚

I don't really use Instagram, but I might give Pixelfed a try. Does anyone know if it's also a left-wing echo chamber like Lemmy?

Lemmy is a left wing echo-chamber? I thought it was a Linux wing echo chamber?

tomato patato

It's both!

I've mostly seen pictures of landscapes and animals, so not as much

That's cool.

God I hope so.

I don't need a bunch of bigoted shit echoing around in there with us.

You don't like echo but you on a leftist echo chamber site, smh. You just don't like echo that doesn't fit your agenda.

Fucking Deep insights from someone who can't fully read a reply that's like 10 words long.

Great job chucklefuck

What can I say - I do be insightful like that :P

325,000 users? Had no idea.

Letโ€™s hope the mobile apps become real mobile apps instead of web page wrappers.

I can understand if you build a site that allows itself to be pinned to your device as if it *were* an app. Thatโ€™s a great way to get a product onto devices before you have time+effort to build a native app.

Itโ€™s quite another thing to have an actual app with a highly visible GUI wrapper whose only purpose is to connect to and display a specific website.

Like, cโ€™mon.

I honestly prefer other sites/apps anyway. Tusky is a great app for connecting all your fediverse accounts in one place, and friendica has a filter by image option that essentially turns it into Pixelfed.

Why should it be an app? I would prefer a website, it works on everything then as everything has a web browser. We don't need to harvest user data here so what would the app provide? Plus it restricts users that are not on apple/android

Hence my second paragraph. Nothing wrong about a web page, just make it pinnable to the home screen. Doable with any website, but it helps a lot for usability if links to do so are explicitly available on the website.

Your graph sucks

does anyone know why this sudden uptick?

Meta recently decided to viciously lick Trump's ass by, among other things, allowing hate speech on their platforms.

Not everyone is impressed.

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Streisand effect. There's a news story going around about Meta intentionally deleting links to Pixelfed: https://www.404media.co/meta-is-blocking-links-to-decentralized-instagram-competitor-pixelfed/

I'm sure Zuckerberg's recent comments are helping as well.

Combo of terrible moderation rules changes by meta, the release of the pixelfed app on Android and iOS, and coverage of that app by major tech news outlets.

Along with people being unhappy with Meta, and the looming TikTok ban, Pixelfed just now released apps for it.

Meta has changed their ToS. Prior, you could not accuse someone of being mentally ill without consequence. Now there is an exception allowing shitty people to accuse someone of being mentally ill if they are gay or trans. It's seriously fucked up.

Also, Mark Zuckerberg, the ostrich fucker, removed the fact checker from Meta services.

In this, the worst timeline, I am glad that there is no need to add "allegedly", as Zuck is clearly an alpha degen.

Ostrichโ€ฆ fucker?

I still can't get a loops account.

nothing much on there from what I've seen, has potential though

It's still early. It's not even federated yet, just more or less a 1:1 tiktok clone.

Can't get popular if you can't download it easily.

It still doesn't have a webapp that was supposed to ship weeks ago. The android app is buggy, laggy and doesn't allow direct capture from the camera. I'd say loops is not ready yet.

At this rate, their user base will be larger than atoms are in the universe

Well atoms are pretty small so I'm guessing the user base is already bigger than them.

looks like ... the climate has changed

The heard "someday" there will be Groups...

I'll make an account when it reaches 1M users

We're at 382k registered users captain.


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hmmm.. I never tried out pixelfed. I will now.

edit: oauth not working :/

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Who pays for their servers?

I saw Pixelfed mentioned on TikTok. So yeah!


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