How to handle follow up questions on posts?
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so was just wondering, if i had follow up questions or edits for a previous post would i just edit the original with the new info or start a new post? now by editing a previous post does it refresh in some manner to get traction and more interaction again (like a new post)? or does it have any weight to sort?
i seem to let some posts die because they become old, and im unsure of protocol.
Deleted by author
I sort by new so editing your post won't affect my feed. But in general I respond directly to comments, unless a question is asked multiple times or shines a light on something I left out, then I'll edit the main body of the post.
I don't know if there is "protocol". I just do what makes sense to me and not stress about formalities.
This is what I do too. If I edit a post, I'll comment on any replies to let them know that the post has been changed too though, especially if a conversation has started.
Once I up or down-vote a post, I never see it again, unless someone responds to something I wrote. If there's something I want to check later, I have to Save it.\
If I respond to a post or comment, and then that gets edited, I'm pretty sure I don't get notified. And since I've already up-voted it, I'll never see it again (unless I Save it and remember to check it later).
If a post is more than a day old, and the info you're editing is important, make a new post. Reference the first post if necessary.
If its a small distinction, but the overall question is the same, edit.
If the wording could have a completely different meaning, delete and repost.