Humans now give birth by laying an egg, it still takes 9 months to hatch, how is society now different?

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Abortion is now called "Making an omelette"

Also, if you think we are overly protective of pregnant mothers now, its gonna be worse when a minor bump causes the shell to crack.

Egg prices REALLY go up

Why would the go up? You're increasing supply.

Because of what's in it

A yolk and eggwhite like in any other egg?

Yummy 🥚👶🍳🍽😋

Large, expensive in home incubators.\

How big are human eggs in this world? Real women's bodies have to rearrange a lot to give birth.

Human eggs are about the largest single cell humans produce, about 0.1mm in diameter.

But human eggs don't provide nutrients to the fetus, they grow the placenta to do that. So over all the entire process would have to change to something probably impossible. Consider the ostrich lays the largest egg now, and ostriches are larger than humans. Humans that would need a far larger egg.

The math just doesn't work for humans to have a hard shell egg.

You are right in your final statement about the hard shell, and the size ratio, but that doesn't make it completely impossible. Egg laying could work for humans if the shell was leathery and flexible, like that of some reptiles.

Humans could lay an egg large enough to hold a newborn, and since at the time of laying the insides of the egg would be mostly still liquid, a flexible shell would work out just fine for passage. Then the baby would develop inside the egg. Just like with birds.

The egg could also harden gradually when exposed to air, as the vagina is acidic. Especially if fertilization occurs outside the body, like with amphibians and fish. Of course, there would need to be a liquid medium, but that could also be released with the egg.

Sure but what would be the advantage in human s case?

It’d be easier to pass a larger egg if it’s soft, even if it’s accompanied by a bunch of fluid.

Foxes now scarier than sharks

Abortion issue is gone. Now the issue is *paper abortion* (aka: termination of parental rights and responsibilities).

(I'm a supporter of both abortion rights and *paper abortion*)

Btw: I'd be okay with the eggs being eaten as long as both parents give permission, and it happens before viability. Eggs cannot feel pain.


Lol, scrambled babies

You fuck nilly willy and you get free breakfast for life.

Sign me up

Plus, it’s technically vegan (imo, obviously some people would disagree), so baking would be much easier for me.

Paper abortion? Is that just fancy speak for putting the kid up for adoption or should I actually look it up?

When both parents do it, it’s putting them up for adoption. I think they’re talking about when only one does it.

Are both parents required to put them up for adoption? If a single mother or father puts the child up for adoption...its still adoption, no?

So "paper abortion" is just slang for adoption?

Everyone with parental rights must consent to an adoption, so it’s not the same thing. Parental rights are either terminated or transferred (generally when both parents die at the same time) upon death, so people who are single parents due to the death of the other parent would be the only ones with parental rights. Otherwise the parental rights of the non participating parent have already been severed (though most of the time, they do still have some rights and maintain a financial responsibility, they’re just not doing the actual parenting, meaning they would also need to consent to put the child up for adoption).

Office management complaining about how much space eggs take up at work.

It's not that hard to provide a room for people to sit on their eggs when they need to.

there would be a couple of new tags on pornhub. Some freaks would eat the eggs

Oviposition is already a thing, you can even get toys.

To the best of my knowledge, all egg layers have cloaca (the one hole) and no external sex organs, so that could abate a bunch of pointless culture war stuff.

There would be so many weird egg posts on social media. Could you imagine how horrible "influencers" would be that do extravagant gender reveals if they had an egg to display?

Also weird egg porn would be a thing which I preemptively find rather disturbing.

Weird egg porn is already a thing, but at least now it’s not (quasi) incestuous.

Hospitals would be packed because those eggs need to be taken care of.

bowlegged-ness, or the ability to protect that egg in between the legs is the new rizzfactor.

pubes flex for superior heating ability and coverage. well, okay chest hair can be a thing too.

if girls now have problems with calcium deficiency, imagine how this will escalate for eggshell quality.

A lot more unwanted babies

Fewer. A lot fewer.\

Chicken eggs aren't typically fertilized: Hens and roosters are usually isolated from eachother. Eggs aren't chicken fetuses. Eggs are chicken menstruation.

Menstruating women will lay an egg every month, fertilized or not. It won't be unusual to dispose of an unwanted egg. So, there will be far *fewer* unwanted babies.

Human men and women are not isolated. They fuck like rabbits already, less consequences would mean a lot more unprotected sex.

, edited

My point was that you don't need no man to lay an egg. They are going to be popping out all the time, and not all of them are going to be fertile. Those sterile eggs are going to be disposed of.\

But sterile eggs aren't going to be the only ones disposed of.

Even if it's fertile, it's only going to become a baby if it's incubated for 9 months. She's not going to incubate an egg she doesn't want. She's going to dispose of it like every sterile egg she lays. There aren't going to be many unwanted babies. Certainly fewer than we currently have.\

Ha, I like your optimism that anti-abortion/anti-womens bodily autonomy types wouldn't immediately try to start controlling the unfertile eggs. Plenty of them think contraceptives are evil after all, which is equivalent to discarding infertile eggs before they get fertilized.

We would see efforts to track women's egg laying cycles and criminalize discarding them within the period they can still be fertilized. (See IRL Indiana attempting to make individual abortion reports public instead of as anonymized, aggregate data for studies).

Abortion is 7/3/1 on referenda since Roe was overturned. IMO, the contemptible fuckwits you're talking about aren't worth dragging into our little hypothetical.

Hell, even just lost babies. Where did I put that thing again?

Or a lot more omelets.

Is eating your own egg cannibalism or breakfast?

Natural Selection

(Eggs can't feel, so the parents have the right to eat it before it becomes viable to hatch)

Gonna be a lot fewer humans.

Society is divided between those born in old way, and the egg-born. More discriminations, hate is coming. Civil war is looming

Companies start selling incubator subscriptions and making massive profits; women (and men where applies) lose their rights to maternity leave.

People might not want to eat chicken eggs since they might look like smaller human eggs and that would be weird.

Monkeys look like smaller, hairier versions of ourselves and we still eat those.

Maybe they would sell it in a more disconnected form. Cause like we eat veal even though that's a baby. So maybe instead of eggs being sold in the shell they'd mostly be sold already cracked in a container or something.

90% more Mork.

Are unfertised human eggs a thing? Like, the chicken eggs we eat aren't fertilised. I'm imagining something like an ostrich egg. Lots of omelette in that ... um, definitely-not-a-baby.