How profitable are leasing out domain names?
submitted by
Sunshine (she/her)

How much do the companies that lease them out make?
It's not that amazing. To be a registrar, you have to pay $10k for the privilege, then pay for multiple audits that you must pass (if you fail them you do not get reimbursed), and then you get to profit like $2 per domain per year, and you have to maintain high availability server farms, pay for the electricity, pay for the sysadmins, pay for the audits every year etc
There's a reason Google stopped doing it after they got their .google tld
Yup, there are two types of registrars. There's predatory type that tacks on shit you don't need and overcharge for everything like GoDaddy. And then there's places like Cloudflare that sell quality services. In both cases the registrar operations are just to lure you into their ecosystem of services.
I'm dissapointed they haven't registered
I haven’t been able to make any money trying to lease so I’m not sure there’s any market at all.
Yea cuz it’s got sus in it and I ain’t gonna buy sus stuff.
What're your rates? 👀
I just want to point out that buying a domain usually means you own it, despite having to pay a hosting fee. But you can take it to other hosters.
I assume you're asking about niche leasing without ownership?